Farmhouse RIM Templates
Farmhouse RIM Templates
Just look at this gorgeous plate made by Jen Kandris. Using our Farmhouse RIM 13 inch with the Solar Eclipse Dual Drape 9.5 inch! What a fab-ulous piece she created! I love what our customers are making with these. What creativity.
This classy set of Farmhouse templates makes an unbelievably fantastic plate or bowl. BUT, it pairs beautifully with our Solar Eclipse ovals forms and dual drapes even better and your amazing Farmhouse Platter Forms and the Big ole Platter form.
Just imagine these on your table for you next family gathering.
Sizes are:
4 pc set includes
7.5 - 9 - 10.5 - 12
Larger sizes individually include:
13.25 inches
14.5 inches
16 inches
Platter sizes include:
Small is 21 x 17
Large is 23.5 x 19
This is just the RIM Templates only the pictures are for examples.